Saturday, December 8, 2012

'Garbage ghosts' run wild in these wintery woods...

Again, on my way to the neighborhood grocery store, I wondered, shocked and amazed, why so many "garbage ghosts" appear to run wild -- seemingly freely and boldly in late autumn's (or early winter's?) filtered daylight -- through the wild wooded edges around these lots. Here's my favorite, so far:

Does this garbage ghost appear stealthy?

The scene: Buds blooming amid a thicket of bare branches during a late autumn heat wave!

"Undeveloped land" amid apartments and businesses opens a shortcut to a busy strip mall.

From a different angle this ghost appears to stride our suburban mini-wilderness boldly!

Soon after...

My companion Tortoise Cat and I explore more autumn leafy fringes...

Sun rays brighten the filtered wintry light as we stroll the edge of the parking lot at our place. 

The air was chilling as the scene brightened and we decided not to picnic that afternoon.